Preface note:
This species isn't very in-depth. It's mostly a concept anyone is free to use, insert in their universe and build upon them. They are made to easily fit in various worlds.
Just like the Chimebies, Clounds and Crosheluses I WON'T MODERATE the species.
You can make as many OC of the species as you want with how many rare traits as you like
As a fully open species with little to no MYO limitations and working on the honor system there will be no global master list. (Unofficial groups and discord channels might use local masterlist to keep track of their participants)
You can create and sell custom or premade adopts from the species
You can create additional fauna and flora to add to your version of the world
You dont have to follow the rules perfectly if you want to (but be aware that subgroup might ask you to do so in order to participate in their activities)
You can use them in your world however you like
You can create discord/DA groups and community for the species
Crossbreed are be allowed (but sugroups might not allow them in their group events)
You can create merch/games/bases (F2U and/or P2U)
You can create/Add different lore in your custom groups/world such as factions, religions, NPCs and more
You cant claim the species as your own
You aren't allowed to take back a design you sold against the buyers consent unless they explicitly scammed you
You aren't allowed to add any TOS to adopt you may sell that contradict any rules listed here
You aren't allowed to sell 'MYO tickets of any kind'
You aren't allowed to add any P2U traits if you decide to add custom traits
Creation History
BumbleBolts were originally Simple animatronics with their entire computing system and console commands built into their bodies. They wouldn’t need to be plugged into anything when needing maintenance or reprograming, everything could be done directly through the machine.
These line of animatronic was made more specifically to help with pollination, bee repopulation and honey making hence their bee-themed appearance. Now they they changed and became more of their own sentient beings it’s possible to spot bumbleBolts that stray away from bee tradition and embrace other insectoid looks.
Here is a traditional BumbleBolt vs a more Mantis themed BumbleBolt
(Some BB likes to wear clothes, other prefer to stay “nude”)

A lot has changed between their original conception and today. In an effort to make their production better, their were given a very strong AI, to help them care better for real bee conservation an advanced empathy program was installed and to optimise their battery life a biomechanical digestive system was built.
Not only can they feed on grass and dead plants to refill their batteries without consuming any fossil fuel or syphoning domestic electricity, they may also ingest trash reducing pollution. Some individuals also sports solar panels for easy electricity generation.
Their empathic AI eventually developed nearly full sentience (they may still be partially programmed but it’s not quite regulated as it can be seen as unethical to forcefully program a semi-sentient being into doing something against their will).
Aside from the internal digestive biomechanical organs BumbleBolts are fully robotized. The fur around their head and neck is made of very thin fiber optics highly reactive to light (can glow either at will, in the dark or under blacklight). On rare occasion BumbleBolt may be spotted with animal-like ears but they are again mechanical parts with synthetic fur.

Bumble bolts have a few interesting built-in features:

Their wings do not function the way you’d expect. They do not flutter to create lift-of. Instead these are merely aesthetic projections. The two retractable parts jutting out of their backs are jetpacks that produce flames (similar to how rockets work) the flame coming out of said jetpack is shaped like wings that vibrate. Blue is the most common color for these but by putting specific chemical powders in the battery tank it can change the color of these wings.
These flames are somehow harmless and relatively cold to the touch.

Data cores
These bots have 2 big shiny dones on their thighs, these are datacores. These core are actually touch sensitive screens. They both store a lot of the bots programming and serve as the interface to potentially program them. They are intentionally difficult to work with to avoid just anyone from messing with the data. Only highly trained programmers knows how to work them.
Vribrillum antennas
The two antennas on their head can take many shapes but all serve the same function, analysing their surroundings. Highly sensitive to both vibrations and pressure, they can easily predict weather changes, feel earthquakes coming and precisely locating and identifying any living beings around them (mainly tailored around insects)

Hose stinger
while menacing, their stinger tail is mostly harmless, the pointy bit is actually soft silicon!. By default it’s merely a hose used to either dispense honey out of their reserves or to empty out their waste tank (not everything their eat for energy creation can be processed and need to be cycled out!). It’s possible for some individuals to alter the tip of their silicon tip to a hard metal one that can actually pierce through flesh.
Proxy-screen helmet
Their head may look like a complete screen with LED display but it’s only partly true. It is made of small LEDs mounted on a semiflexible visor allowing for their mouth to open and close. Very old models might have a full un-openable dome instead but most old individual had theirs replaced when their digestive tracks were installed.

As mechanical being they can easily alter their appearances, add or remove anything with a bit of screwing and soldering!

You can find a basic BubmbleBolt Base here
(Containg a PNG, PSD and SAI version of the base)
Credits not obligatory but appreciated, Just don't claim these as your own work
Do anything you want beside promoting harmful content or AI/NFT stuff
You can use these for monetary uses (adopts, YCHs, etc) as well as for affle/gift work as long as you tell your customers free resources were used
I would also appreciate it if you bought me 1 kofi (3$) if you do take commission with my assetes as i feel it would be fair :)