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About the Species of Clourotopia

The Chapitree is the biggest and oldest tree in the whole Clourotopia world
Pingulls loves to nibble on the fruits sprouting on its vines. Tootoot go crazy for the truffles thriving under its roots and both Clounds and Party Pawpers view the tree as an historical and cultural landmark, Manedivent doesn't have this historical attachment to it but still resperct it.

The tree must have some magical properties as it's green and barring fruits all year round. This tree also provides a constant warm glow. This glow provide enough light and warmth for flowers to keep sprouting underneath it even through winter, the tree even gives these plants the water they need during summer.

It's rumored that eating one of the heart-shaped fruit growing on top of the can physically change oneself; mutations? rare and ultra rare traits? who knows! (these 3 lore-relevant foods can be used as group currency or mutation keys)


Clounds guides (includes raw text version)

Party Pawpers guides (includes raw text version)

Manedivents guides (includes raw text versions)


Fauna and Pets (includes text captions for each lore slides)

Clound bases

PartyPawpers bases

Manedivants bases

Other bases


  • Just like the Chimebies and Crosheluses I WON'T MODERATE the species.

  • You can make as many OC of the species as you  want with how many rare traits as you like

  • As a fully open species with no MYO limitations and working on the honor system there will be no global master list. (Unofficial groups and discord channels might use local masterlist to keep track of their participants)

  • You can create and sell custom or premade adopts from the species

  • You can create additional fauna and flora to add to your version of the world

  • You don't have to follow the rules perfectly if you want to (but be aware that subgroups might ask you to do so in order to participate in their activities)

  • You can use them in your world however you like

  • You can create discord/DA groups and community for the species

  • Crossbreed are be allowed (but unofficial subgroups might not allow them in their group events)

  • You can create merch/games/bases (F2U and/or P2U)

  • You can create/Add different lore in your custom groups/world such as factions, religions, NPCs and more

  • You cant claim the species as your own

  • You aren't allowed to take back a design you sold against the buyers consent unless they explicitly scammed you

  • You aren't allowed to add any TOS to adopt you may sell that contradict any rules listed here

  • You aren't allowed to sell 'MYO tickets' of any kind

  • You aren't allowed to add any P2U traits if you decide to add custom traits


Credits not obligatory but appreciated, Just don't claim these as your own work

Do anything you want beside promoting harmful content or AI/NFT stuff


You can use these for monetary uses (adopts, YCHs, etc) as well as for affle/gift work as long as you tell your customers free resources were used

I would also appreciate it if you bought me 1 kofi (3$) if you do take commission with my assetes as i feel it would be fair :)

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