MAking your own
You are allowed to make as many Croshelus as you wish to, you can use whatever traits you desire as there are no rarity ladder.
The few things you CANNOT do with your MYO are:
Do not create offensive characters (ei use nazi imagery, black face or character based on harmful stereotypes)
Do not create crossbreeds
Do not create characters meant to be Croshelus version of canon characters or real life persons! (inspiration is fine, direct ripoff/kinsonas are not. Making a Croshelus version of yourself is okay!)

As a fully open species with little to no MYO limitations and working on the honor system there are no global master list. Unofficial groups and discord channels might use local masterlist to keep track of their participants
general dos & don'ts
You can:
Create as many Croshelus as you want
Create and sell custom or premade Croshelus
Create additional fauna and flora to add to your version of the world
Use your Croshelus as a sona, OC, mascot, etc
Use your Croshelus as a non sapient pet
Use your Croshelus in your own custom world
Use your Croshelus in other Original species world as long as their allow it
Create discord/DA groups and community for the species
Create Croshelus merch
Create Croshelus games
Create Croshelus bases (F2U and/or P2U)
Create/Add different lore in your custom groups/world such as factions, religions, NPCs and more
You can’t:
Claim the species as your own
Take back a Croshelus design you sold against the buyers consent unless they explicitly scammed you
Add any conflicting TOS to adopt you may sell
Create NSFW material involving the species. They are feral-bodied critters and as such I'm not comfortable with them being used for 18+ content (gore is fine as long as it’s not erotic gore)
Sell MYO tickets of any kind (if you run a Croshelus group you cannot ask participant to pay a fee to join/make their own Croshelus for the group)
Set rarity traits/forbid users to use certain traits within your group. All traits are commons and okay to use!
Add P2U traits
monetary uses
Monetary uses of the species is allowed. These include Adopts, P2U ressources, Games, Merch, Art, Literature and more. All I ask is proper credit to be given and a link to this site to be added.
additional info
this species and site was made in less than a day. The species has been made rather simple so it would be easy to use, insert in other world and for people to build custom lore onto them. Making them so open for modification means it could fit in nearly anyone's sandbox. They could be used as background/minor fauna in a fantasy world or as a primary species in an RP group. Possibilities are yours to grab and play with!... as long as you don't abuse the rules!