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Croshelus reproduce asexually with one laying an egg or two and the other fertilizing them afterward. Multiple male may attempt to fertilize the same egg but the genetic material of all of the participants will not combine, only one will enter the core of the egg and result in an offspring.


Twin hatching from a singular egg is practically unheard off.


naming traditions

Back in the olden days when Croshelus first started becoming sapient they used to have simple names. There was no last names, just one name chosen by the parents and that was it. With time the population grew and it started to be more and more common to have the same name and get mixed up. It was then that complementary adjectives were first added, however it hadn’t reached the current naming convention yet.


The way Croshelus name themselves today originated from the first Croshelus to not use an actual shell. Brine Swift was born without a shell and decided to replace it with an empty bottle he found, ever since he referred to himself as "Brine Swift of the Bottle". Many individual who replaced their shells with something else added the “of the __” particle to their names, soon after followed by everyone else.











This is how every Croshelus has names following the hilariously long “[Name] [Adjective] of the [Shell/back item]” structure. Of course in casual settings individuals refers to each other just by their first names and only uses their full names during important events. (some ‘nobles’ might demand their full names be used at all times)


traditional dances

Dancing is a big part of Croshelus culture. They have various dances for divers occasions. Some of them are rather simple like the Greeting dance that consist of just crouching up and down with pincers stretched sideways. Other are more complicated such as the wedding dance which feature a 10 minute long synchronized choreography with the last 2 minutes being entirely personalized by the couple.



Brine Swift of the Bottle


The Croshelus is a fully open species with no global moderation owned by CosmindArt. Site and species created in 2021 by CosmindArt

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