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The Reefs

Croshelus love to live in groups. While they can hide in their shell, their shells aren't their homes. They are fully capable or using sand, stone and clay to construct themselves little den and decorate them with plants and shells.


These ‘cities’ can be located deep underwater, submerged near the coastlines or even on land in plain air. Coral reefs full of plants and living things are their favorite spots to build settlements on.


The outlands

While Croshelus tends to never stray further than their beaches and only ever travel along coasts or underwater, because of that not much is know as to what lives deeper in the lands. The only contact with land-dwellers they get are from any that come and visit the many Croshelus settlements.

The outlands are purposefully kept rather vague and open for people to easily insert other species of their choosing into the lore to have them interact with Croshelus.


The great blue

Croshelus can thrive underwater but only to a certain point. They refer as “The great Blue” the open waters that are too deep, dangerous and the pressure too high for them to swim into.


There has been many documented cases of Croshelus purposefully swimming into The great blue when they feel like their are on their last days.


The Croshelus is a fully open species with no global moderation owned by CosmindArt. Site and species created in 2021 by CosmindArt

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