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I usually only spend day time with the Phoslyte and always leave before sundown. I do so because night time tend to be when there’s the most activity in the entire district I watch over so I need to be in front of my screens. I did make an exception today however, Lemres seemed to be in quite a lot of distress.

I think it finally hit him that he will be stuck here for a long time. The Phoslyte embassy refuse to provide parts to repair his ship, they don’t want him to be flown outside of the US unless his ship is entirely disposed of first, I cant dispose of his ship because the Suan council don’t think he’s equipped to own and fly a Grey-made ship, Nordics wont help at all, and there simply isn’t much here for him. It’s just sands and rocks for miles.

Even the potential local cryptids aren’t really helping. I'm partially responsible in that regard but even without my ‘medling’ he still wouldn’t be fulfilled.

I need to do better.

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