I’ve spend the last couple days reading and studying this Phoslyte’s notes on folktales to gain a better grasp on his work methods and general interests. He truly seems to be interested in the scientific weight these could have and not just the childish whimsy of it all. It’s quite interesting.
Aside from the mythical fairies, he is also very passionate when it comes to real Phobosian fairies. He has an entire faerarium on the top half of his ship. I find it quite endearing that he had spent the time and money to build one instead of taking any type of survival classes before flying down to Earth. These must have been his pets when he still lived on Phobos and he simply took them with him.
I wonder if the installation of such an intricate faerarium could have contributed to the insulation not being up to code. I should probably do a better check of the upper portion of the ship to find out. I did make the mistake on focusing all of my previous inspection on the lower area surrounding the engines and stopped after finding the faulty insulation panels there.