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The Phoslyte Lemres has been doing fine on his own. He has established a nice routine for himself where he wakes up early in the morning, tend to his crops, eat and then work around the ghost town repairing things here and there for his safety. After lunch if he’s not with me, he either explore the surrounding landscape a bit or study cryptozoology.

There isn’t much to write about. It’s just day to day activity.

What I can write about is the Phoslyte’s history. During out multiple interaction he gave me quite the large amount of information regarding his lineage and history. He was born 28 human-years ago on Phobos like I stated in my very first log. Apparently he was quite isolated for a very long time due to his interest, he’s very fond of fairies and folklore creatures and he’s convinced they are real. I’ve not studied that field myself so I have no idea whether or not these creatures are real or not but based on what he said, it seems most Phoslyte think fae spirits are hogwash and he was bullied for believing them to be real.

He also showed me photos of his late parents. They sadly passed away around 7 years ago. He did not tell me how they died but it seems they either passed together or at the very least only a few days apart since he mentioned a joint funeral. The death of both his parent coupled with the isolation from his peers explains why he was so eager to leave Phobos and be on his own without taking the proper precautions and survival training first. He probably flew as soon as he got his license.

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