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I spent the entire day with the Phoslyte to keep him company and boost his morale. He wasn’t as talkative as usual but we still exchanged important information while doing creative activities to distract him. While I helped him construct new decoration for his fairy tanks he finally talked more about his parents. (note: it was a very pleasant activity)

Apparently a Nordic snuck on Phobos. By avoiding the standard procedure of entry, the Nordic did not get scanned for diseases and ended up introducing veriliad flu to the Phoslyte population. The emergencies were able to stop it from spreading fast but 12 people did get infected, 4 of them passed from it including Lemres’s parents.

It’s quite sad. Nordics can handle that strand of flu quite well, it’s as harmless as a common cold to them, but to Phoslytes who never had to deal it it? It was brutal on their bodies, fatal in some cases. The individuals who did not succumb to the flu didn’t get out unscathed. Most will have permanent respiratory problems for the rest of their lives.

Due to the severity of the condition and it’s virality, Lemres probably didn’t get to spend time with his parents during their last moments. At best he might have had video calls with them. I feel for him.

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