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The phoslyte’s ship has been relocated to Lobo, the ghost town mentioned in a previous log. Here are my findings:
The insulation covering the engines that was there to make entry into the atmosphere safe was incorrectly installed which caused one of the engine to partially blow and thus causing the entire ship to spiral down out of control.
The other engine was also damaged but not as much.
Both engines being out of commission, the vessel is unable to fly and would need a replacement (the insulation would also need replacement if the Phoslyte wants to be able to do interplanetary travel)
None of the generators and other internal machinery beside the engines seem damaged. The phoslyte will be able to live inside his ship without any trouble until reparations are completed.

I’ve spend as much time providing medical care to the Phoslyte as I have spent studying his ship. He had only spend a day or two on his own after crashing and while he seemed fine the first day I’ve met him, I can now see that the sun had quite the harsh effect on him: He’s both severely sunburned and quite dehydrated already. The phoslyte is currently confined to his ship and not allowed outside until his sunburn is under control and something is done to prevent it from recurring. Providing him with phoslyte-compatible sunscreen as well as a shade-orb is the most sound plan for now.

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